Psychology for living well

Where does Carolyn practice?
Brisbane Endocrine, Spring Hill.
How do I book an appointment?
Carolyn is available for appointments in person and via telehealth at Brisbane Endocrine, Spring Hill
For appointments contact Brisbane Endocrine on 07 3051 0376 or admin@brisbaneendo.com.au.
For general inquiries contact Carolyn via her email here.
How long does an appointment take?
Appointments are usually 50-60min in length.
However shorter 30-40min appointments are sometimes planned for mindfulness skill development and Health & Lifestyle Coaching.
What happens at the first appointment?
You will be asked to arrive approximately 15 minutes before your first appointment to complete some paperwork or this may be emailed to you prior to the appointment.
Through this session we explore your expectations of what you would like to achieve and work on understanding the issues that have brought you to see Carolyn. We also begin constructing a plan of how these issues or needs can be addressed. All first appointments will be 50-60min in length.
How much does each session cost?
Carolyn believes in making Psychology services accessible. As such the standard cost of a session is below the rates recommended by the Australian Psychological Society (APS). Rebates are available via Medicare and Private Health funds as per Medicare and private health funds terms and conditions.
How are appointments offered?
During the COVID-19 period appointments are available in person, via a telehealth (video conferencing) and by telephone. Rebates available as per Medicare and Private health funds terms and conditions.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Carolyn.